Thursday, April 25, 2013

Celebrate Psychology

Tomorrow (Friday, April 25th), we will be having our annual celebration of our department-- Celebrate Psychology!!! This is a really great event for anybody who loves psych and the schedule is as follows:

2 PM: Psi Chi Inductions

3 PM: "From Bradley to Rush University: Staying Psyched with Neuropharmacology"- Wes Wayman

4 PM: Graduate School Admission Panel Featuring:
           Dr. Valerie Bennett, Director of The Pre-Health Center at Bradley University
           Dr. Ken Kessler, Director of Graduate Admissions for the Counseling Program at Rosalind  

           Franklin University 
           Dr. Renee Tobin, School Psychology Faculty at Illinois State University

All of the events will be taking place in BR 46. Hope to see you there!